Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm Back

I do find it baffling that for as often as I tout that writing is my outlet, I do so very little of it...maybe that's why I feel so pent up inside, at least today I do. Which could explain the new blog. Today, I put my old blog aside and start anew. Doesn't it feel good to start over sometimes. I mean it's great when somethings can be drawn to completion and it feels so good when those things happen, but I believe that there is a time for some things to be left and others to begin.
My old blog, some of you may know, was titled "threeunder3" which was appropriately titled when my children were 1, 2, and 3 years old. At that time I had three babes 3 and under. Seeing as in less than 2 months my "babies" will be 3, 4 and 5, I thought it appropriate to leave that blog and begin again. Certainly that isn't the only reason though.
I also have this thing with starting up something that has been left for a period of time. It just doesn't seem right to just pick it up again. It feels like trying to revive something that has been dead for too long. I think of it like calling a code on a patient who has been without a pulse for more than 10 minutes. You can do all you want; chest compressions, medications, shocks...they just aren't coming back. As is the case with my old lost it's pulse a long time ago and so I begin again...

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